Sunday, July 19, 2009

I'm a teen from California, and I've spent some time of late looking into gay rights, mostly due to the big upset on the passing of proposition 8(a ban on gay marriage in California), and I've got to say, the discrimination in this country against is appalling. I've seen some statisics showing that millions of the people in the country want to deny gays any rights whatsoever. I look at this, and I have no idea how this sort of insanity can exist. I thought for a while that this was one of the U.S.'s last great bastions for hate, but this sort of hate is everywhere, bubbling just below the surface and popping up whenever there is an excuse. Woman's rights is not where it should be yet, and there is, of course, the blatant profiling in airports, subjecting people of middle eastern descent to additional screening. But gay rights is still by far the most pathetic at the moment. We deny people their rights on account of the main religion of the public. Let's not pretend, it has nothing to do with the children. There are laws denying people rights based completely in Christianity(there is similar discrimination in the country's other, more minor religions as well, but that is not the issue). How can this exist? Where the hell is seperation of church and state? Children parented by gays or lesbians are not affected, and any imbecile could figure this out. This is undisguised hate. Such discrimnatory laws are everywhere in America. California is apparently one of the better states and America is apparently one of the better countries of the world in terms of giving rights to homosexuals, and I for one am disgusted. The arguments against gays are often the same as those against blacks, twenty to thirty years ago. The don't ask, don't tell policy, barring openly gay or lesbian soldiers from serving has lost the army thirty thousand troops over the course of it's seventeen year span. Thirty thousand! And the argument for don't ask, don't tell is that a great social change could disturb the military. This was the argument against integrating blacks into the army, instead of keeping them in all black units. On the radio, I recntly heard another argument from a senior army official. I think it is either taken slightly out of context, or may be a few years outdated, but none the less. The man said that bringing gays into the miltary would introduce romance into the complex and stressful situations a soldier has to go through, and is just as bad an idea as having women in the army. I'm paraphrasing, but really, thats the jist of what he said. I'm not joking. Wish I was, though. My point is, there is no legal argument againt giving gays their full rights. I'm not gay. I'm not bisexual. I'm just logical. If you look at the straight facts and cut the illegal bull, there is absolutely no reason I can think of that gays and lesbians should not be able to wed and join the army, and do all things that heterosexuals do. People call marriage sacred, yet more than half the time, it ends in divorce. Oh yes, how very sacred.

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